
Lubega Ashriaf

Lubega is one of a family of four children, and is currently the only one who is working – so his income is very important. He did not have the required level of education to enter a course at the government training centre, so he signed up for a course with Tools for Self Reliance and a local organisation, Hope For The Upcoming Generation (HUPGEN). Lubega learned carpentry, and quickly became adept at making a large variety of furniture, as well as doors and window frames.

He did work experience with a local business, and was offered a job with them when he completed his training. He can now help his family with basic items such as food and soap, and is saving money to start his own business. He said he now feels like an adult. He said, “Now that I have money, life is easier. Because I am working, I am a respected member of my community.”

I can now buy things for myself. I no longer have to rely on others.

Anass Alhassan,
Bicycle repair training, Ghana

Lubega Ashriaf

Case Studies