Tea for Tools Summer Appeal

Support the Transition to Work

Our Transition to Work projects help guide recent graduates through the process of setting up a business, from developing a business plan to managing orders and keeping customer records.

Your donations to this year’s fundraiser could give new entrepreneurs even more; the financial support they need to get their enterprises up and running. With a start-up business grant, graduates can meet essential costs from rent and marketing, to buying stock and materials.


Match Funding unlocked!

The Dalgleish Trust have pledged to match donations to our Tea for Tools campaign, up to £10,000.

We’re thrilled to announce we have reached that target, which means your £10,000 will now become £20,000, unlocking more opportunities for trainees to access start-up business grants and kick start their enterprises.

How high can we reach?

All further donations to our Tea for Tools appeal will be very gratefully received (as without your support, none of our projects can happen!), they just won’t be eligible for match funding. But keep an eye out… we’ll have another chance to double your donations in December.

Please give whatever you can to help support our Transition to Work projects.


Thank you for your kind donation. If you would like to set up a regular annual or monthly gift, please click here.



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