Looking forward to 2019

This year we and our partners are working harder than ever to deliver 25 vocational training projects in Ghana, Zambia, Malawi, Sierra Leone and Uganda. These projects will provide an opportunity for people to access to training opportunities which otherwise wouldn’t exist.


Sustainable livelihoods for young street connected girls in Accra 

This year our Ghanaian partner, Street Girls Aid, will be starting a 12 month tailoring and business development training project for 15 young street connected women. Alongside this training programme, they will also deliver a range of outreach sessions, craft skills workshops and short courses on parenting to a further 180 young women. This training will enable the trainees to improve their lives through increased income, better life skills and parenting strategies, and will encourage more positive futures for the young women and their children.


Ending Child Marriage in Northern Ghana

In Northern Ghana child marriage remains a growing and pervasive problem, with over a third of girls married before the age of 18. Early marriage invariably results in young girls being less likely to complete their education and being more likely to experience domestic violence and health issues. This year we will be working with our Ghanaian partner, NORSAAC, to support their work in addressing these issues in their local community. Alongside the delivery of a 12 month tailoring and business skills training programme for 40 young people; they will also deliver a community advocacy and outreach programme for over 1000 people. This programme will focus on challenging perceptions and breaking down barriers surrounding the issues of child marriage.

This project was funded by Kennington Overseas Aid Committee.



In 2017 three projects in Sierra Leone piloted micro-credit schemes for graduates forming small business groups on completion on their training. This was an effective complement to tools and training in establishing a successful small enterprise for the businesses, and will be continued for trainees in 2019. Amuloma Carpentry group had the opportunity to access the micro finance scheme to buy additional materials which has supported their business to thrive and grow, read more about us catching up with the business group two years on, when we visited Sierra Leone at the end of 2018.


   Two Wheels 

Our latest shipment to Ghana included bicycles as well as toolkits, so that trainees who live furthest away from their work placements have an affordable and sustainable way to reach their training.

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