All you need to leave a gift in your will to Tools for Self Reliance is our name and charity number – 280437.
1% of your estate could change the lives of people living in poverty by equipping them with sustainable skills – while ensuring your family and loved ones are taken care of.
To talk to someone in confidence about leaving a gift, contact Jemma Chambers, Head of Fundraising, on 023 80869697 or email her.
Gifts in wills play such an important part in enabling us to continue our work, and we invest the money that we are left wisely. For example, a legacy left by a long term supporter funded a project in Zambia, which trained 40 young people as tailors – reflecting the supporter’s own interest in refurbishing sewing machines. Thanks to his kindness, Nelly Banda, pictured, can earn an income to support her family. Nelly wasn’t able to finish her education, and with no skills, relied on selling food items. Now part of a tailoring group, Nelly can support her two children, and ensure that they can attend school, giving them more opportunities for the future.